Cobblestone Therapy Group is a leading provider of in-clinic and telehealth speech/language, feeding, physical, and occupational therapy services. Founded with the mission of helping children and adults to reach their fullest potential, our team of experienced and compassionate therapists strive to provide the highest quality care and support to our clients. We are committed to delivering personalized care plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs and enabling them to realize their goals. Our goal is to empower our clients and help them build the skills they need to lead happy and fulfilling lives.
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According to our website, there are 14 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 30075, 45 in Roswell, and an impressive 1222 throughout the state of Georgia.
At Cobblestone Therapy Group, we understand parents may be wondering if their child needs speech therapy. Speech therapy is often recommended for autistic children to help them develop social communication skills, like responding to questions, changing conversation topics, and understanding body language. Early intervention for autistic children is especially important for language development, and speech therapy is the starting point for many newly diagnosed kids. Parents should look out for signs like their child being very quiet, saying only a few words, or not speaking at all. If you think your child may need speech therapy, Cobblestone Therapy Group is here to help. We have a comprehensive guide to provide you with everything you need to know about speech therapy. Contact us today to get started.
At Cobblestone Therapy Group, we understand how important it is for your child to communicate effectively. Our team of experienced speech therapists can help your child in a variety of ways, from forming speech more clearly to understanding body language and facial expressions. We can also help with nonverbal skills such as signs or gestures, as well as issues related to feeding and swallowing. Our therapists are dedicated to helping your child communicate effectively across all environments and will provide the support and guidance needed along the way.
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