At Circle of One Martial Arts and Fitness, our mission is to empower our students to cultivate leadership qualities and learn skills that build confidence, self-discipline, integrity and personal development. We strive to create stronger, more flexible athletes who are fast, healthy, and powerful, and teach techniques for self-defense and protection of their families. We encourage our students to reach their goals and set higher ones, and use the skills and character traits of martial arts in every aspect of their life. We are committed to helping our students achieve their personal best and provide an extremely family-friendly environment. Our Bay Shore NY location offers a variety of martial arts classes, including karate, jiu jitsu, mixed martial arts, Kids Karate and Kids MMA, and special needs classes.
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According to our therapies search website, there are a total of 1622 companies in the state of New York providing therapy services for children and adolescents. This includes 1 company in zip code 11706 in Bay Shore, and 1621 other companies throughout the rest of the state.
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