Christine H. Merrill, OTR L is an Occupational Therapist in Tucson, AZ, providing specialized Occupational Therapy services. With over 20 years of experience, Mrs. Merrill’s expertise and patient-focused approach enables her to effectively treat a variety of conditions, including physical and cognitive disabilities, developmental delays, and mental health disorders. Through her commitment to evidence-based practice and collaboration with other healthcare providers, Mrs. Merrill provides comprehensive therapy services that help her clients reach their highest level of functioning. With a dedication to professionalism and a passion for helping others, Mrs. Merrill provides the highest quality of care in the Tucson area.
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According to our therapies search website, there are 23 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the 85712 zip code, 295 in the city of Tucson, and 893 across the entire state of Arizona.
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