Catholic Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles (CBBBS) was founded in 1925 and is a member of the National Big Brothers Big Sisters Network. As one of the oldest and most respected mentoring organizations in Southern California, CBBBS has a peerless record for service quality, regularly exceeding national match retention rates with an “Average Match Length” for mentoring pairs of 50.2 months (as opposed to 33.1 months nationally). CBBBS has been designated a Blue Ribbon Social Enterprise by the Points of Light Foundation for its superior management of volunteers and has received 8 consecutive annual National Big Brothers Big Sisters Quality Awards, including a Gold Standard in 2016, placing it in the top 3% of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America agencies in the country. Each year, CBBBS serves approximately 400 young people with one-to-one mentoring matches, assesses another 400 children and their families for services (and other social service referrals), and screens and trains 500 adults as potential mentors or skilled volunteers.
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