At Camp Joy, our mission is to empower our guests by inspiring them to become more responsible citizens, create meaningful change in their community, and strive for a better world. Through our Outdoor Education Program, we offer adventure-based learning, environmental education, and living history experiences to students of all grade levels. We’re proud to be working with over 100 primary, middle, and secondary schools in the region, bringing our residential outdoor education and leadership training programs to their students. Our goal is to create meaningful, life-changing experiences that will stay with our guests long after they’ve left Camp Joy.
7 years and above
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Our therapies search website has identified a total of 690 companies in Ohio providing therapy services for children and adolescents. 45113 zip code has 1 company, Clarksville has 20 companies, and the remaining 669 companies are spread throughout the state. This indicates a great need for therapy services in Ohio, and a wide variety of companies offering these services.
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