At BrightStar Care Huntington Beach, we offer exceptional Caregivers and CNAs to provide personal care and in-home care services to meet any need. Our qualified and compassionate staff are fully bonded and insured, and strive to provide personalized care and companionship that helps individuals and families get the most out of life. Our services range from light housekeeping, meal preparation, and transportation to errands and appointments, to respite and relief for family caregivers. We are committed to making life easier for our clients and their loved ones, and are available 24/7 at 310-944-6985. Our service philosophy is “Yes we can!” and we look forward to making more possible for you and your loved ones.
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According to our therapies search website, there are 6 companies offering therapy services for children and adolescents within zip code 92647 in Huntington Beach, CA, 18 in Huntington Beach, and a total of 3911 throughout the state.
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