Avondale House is the only agency in greater Houston dedicated to serving individuals living with moderate to severe autism from ages 3 years through their lifetime. Our comprehensive services include a year-round school, adult day program, supported employment program, and family-oriented group homes. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to providing the highest quality of care and support to those living with autism and their families. We strive to create a safe environment that allows individuals to reach their full potential. With our specialized approach, Avondale House is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of those with autism.
K to 12th Grade and 21 years and above
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According to our website, there are 5 companies that provide therapy services for children and adolescents within zip code 77025 in Houston, TX. This number rises to 244 when expanded to all of Houston, and 2484 when expanded to the entire state of Texas.
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