At Autism Works Now (AWN), we provide job training for adults with autism and offer a comprehensive Workplace Readiness Workshop to help participants gain the knowledge and confidence they need to secure employment. Our program includes classroom instruction, community-based field trips to give participants a chance to put their knowledge into practice and learn from employers and hiring managers, job placements, and ongoing on-the-job supports. We also provide employers with autism awareness training to ensure successful placements. Our two-hour classes are held each week, as well as a monthly field trip to employers such as Best Buy, Fox HR, Marriott HR, Autism Live, and Sony Studios. We also provide our AWN Candidates with the opportunity to gain valuable selling and customer service skills through our work program, Glorious Pies, in which they are employed and on payroll with Wells Fargo.
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According to our therapies search website, there are currently 12 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents with zip code 91364, 22 in Woodland Hills and a total of 3911 across California.
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